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Siódme międzynarodowe warsztaty EAGE na temat Sejsmiki Pasywnej 2018

od 27 do 29 marca 2018 w Krakowie


Siódmy międzynarodowy workshop EAGE zgromadzi on czołowych ekspertów w dziedzinie projektowania, pozyskiwania, przetwarzania i interpretacji danych mikrosejsmicznych.

Warsztaty pozwolą uczestnikom pracować nad rozwiązaniami dla konkretnych i aktualnych problemów w stosowaniu danych mikrosejsmicznych.
Zaproszeni prelegenci poruszą  istotne  problemy i dostarczą  podstawowych informacji. Odbędzie się także sesja posterowa  która będzie okazją  do bardziej szczegółowego omówienia tych tematów. Poniżej podajemy informacje oraz link do szczegółów oraz rejestracji.


Seventh EAGE Workshop on Passive Seismic 2018

27-29 march 2018, Cracow


The beautiful Polish city of Cracow is the host for the Seventh EAGE Workshop on Passive Seismic. The workshop. This highly interactive workshop will take place from 27 - 29 March 2018 and brings together some of the leading experts in the fields of planning, acquisition, processing and interpretation of microseismic data.  The workshop allows the participants to work on specific solutions for concrete and current problems in the application of microseismic data.

Invited keynote speakers and discussions in the morning will introduce the different problems and provide some background information. The poster session during an extended lunch break then provides an opportunity to explore and discuss these topics in more detail. In order to tap into the combined knowledge of the participants, the afternoon will be dedicated to discussions of specific problems in very small groups before concluding the day with a summary that clearly captures the learning and problem solutions.

Why you should attend

• Strong focus on practical solutions;

• Direct access to world-class experts from academia, service providers and operators;

• Online pre- and post-workshop follow-up discussions.


The value of microseismic and other passive seismic data is measured by their capability to impact business critical decisions. Although microseismic data have been used extensively to this effect, often the decision makers receive mixed messages from their technical experts with respect to the validity and accuracy of processing and interpretation results from microseismic projects. This workshop focuses on topics and problem solutions that have a direct impact on the cost-effective application of microseismic data.

We look forward meeting you in Kraków at this workshop. For more information please visit 

Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Naftowego i Gazowniczego,

Biuro Zarządu Głównego

ul. Łukasiewicza 1/110, 31-429 Kraków

NIP: 676-00-76-124, Regon: 000671562 

Tel: +48 502 622 120,   502 622 202,  502 622 207


Ośrodek Szkolenia i Rzeczoznawstwa

Kraków, ul. Łukasiewicza 1/A24

Tel: 503 029 451 ; 

e-mail: ;

© 2017 by Dominika Bernaś dla SITPNiG

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