13th Polish Congress of Oil and Gas Industry Professionals
"Proclimatic Transformations"
Bóbrka, 2-3 june 2022
The 13th Polish Congress of Oil and Gas Industry Professionals ,,Proclimatic Transformations” is the largest event in the Oil and Gas industry in Poland, also inaugurating the celebration of the Year of Łukasiewicz a great inventor and visionary.
It will be held in Bóbrka on 2nd and 3rd of June 2022, and its topics will include issues related to the transformations and new strategy in the Oil and Gas industry.
Current information
the place of hydrocarbon fuels in the country's energy balance, prospects for the development of the resource base, access to and protection of hydrocarbon deposits
the impact on the climate and the environment of the oil and gas industry
the use of hydrogen and renewable hydrocarbon fuels in the energy transformation of renewable fuels in geological structures and their transport via pipelines
geological sequestration and safe transport of CO2
sharing and use of geothermal energy
waste processing into hydrocarbon biocomponents, synthetic fuels
environmentally friendly technologies in the refining industry
How to prepare conference materials
Conference materials, only abstracts of papers in English. The maximum number of characters in the text per page should not exceed 3 500. The abstract is to consist of the title, author (s), affiliation and content presented in the speech, and possibly a reference.
Materials (abstracts and presentations) should be sent to dominika.bernas@sitpnig.pl
Full papers, including, for example, photos, drawings, charts, etc., may be published in subsequent issues of Wiadomości Naftowych i Gazowniczych.
More informations:
SITPNiG ul. Łukasiewicza 1/110,
e-mail: dominika.bernas@sitpnig.pl